Knowledge hub Cities of Things is bridging research in academic programs with knowledge gathered from practice. One of the structural elements to shape this knowledge exchange and knowledge-producing are the field labs. The first field lab is part of the Creative Embassy AMS-MUC, a collaboration of the cities Amsterdam and Munich. With Creating010 we are building a field lab (aka citylab), more information on this later.
Field lab MUC-AMS
In 2020 Dutch Creative Industries decided to set up a field lab in collaboration with creative industry partners in the framework of an existing collaboration of the cities of Amsterdam and Munich (Creative Embassy MUC-AMS). In the autumn of 2021, this field lab will officially kick off with the first consortium of creative agencies from both Amsterdam and Munich.
The goal is to develop field lab projects relevant for the Amsterdam and Munich creative agencies, stimulating new partnerships and activities. The benefits of participating are knowledge building, relations gathering, prototyping products, and developing business.
We now established three core themes: Acting Cities of Things, Adapting Cities of Things, and Interacting Cities of things.
The first consortium of Dutch creative agencies consists of Akka, INFO, IJsfontein, NorthernLight, Sophisti, Space&Matter, Springtime, Sue, Waag. Munich Urban Colab is the first Munich partner.

We presented the initiative at the last Media Architecture Biennale and in a workshop with Munich Urban Colab. You can download more information here. Check our special page.
Cities of Things Lab 010
We proposed to set up a CityLab010 initiative for neighborhood co-designed cities of things. In close collaboration with Creating010 (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences) and partners Studio voor de Srad, Wijkcorporatie Afrikaanderwijk and Coollab. Find more on this special page (will be updated).